Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fun Discussion of Fern Verdant

We had a great meeting on April 21st.  We discussed "Fern Verdant and the Silver Rose."  Angela gave the party planning credit to Ashley and I must say, Ashley did an amazing job!  We went through some very thought provoking questions, played an awesome "How well do you know your mother/daughter" game, the girls made beautiful cards for the moms and lastly we all left with a beautiful silver rose.  It was a great  day!  Thanks so much Angela and Ashley....Lily and Fern would have been proud!

Over the next few weeks we will be reading “Everything on a Waffle” written by Polly Horvath.  The book was critically acclaimed and won a variety of awards, including the 2002 Newbery Honor so it should be very good.  Our next meeting will be on Sunday, June 2nd.

Silver Roses made by Ashley

Mother Daughter Game

Hannah and I put our roses together....maybe they are talking to each other???