We had a great meeting to discuss the amazing book "Wonder." There was so much to discuss in the book and the conversation ranged from:
What in the book made us happy?
What made us sad?
Our favorite characters?
The girls all rated the book a 9 on a scale of 1-10. With one girl even giving it a 9.5!
We ended our discussion by sharing precepts just like Mr. Browne did in his class.
Here are a few....
You are a good person if you try your best.
Be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a battle.
Love can cover a multitude of sins.
Smile; make people wonder what you are smiling about. :)
Just because something bad happens doesn't mean something good won't.
Don't worry about tomorrow, today is something special.
Just because something is true doesn't mean you need to say it.
Be joyful even though you have considered all the alternatives.
Forgiveness frees the soul.
Everyone should be accepted---no matter what!
And one that we discussed....
One day I hope to be as good of person as my dog thinks I am!
Making our "Choose Kind" frames.
Next meeting is March 16th, 1:30, hosted by Ashley and Angela. The book is "Ungifted."